A calculation program for ephemerides, 1900 - 2100The Rosicrucian Fellowship proudly presents The Rosicrucian Fellowship Ephemeris Software. A picture of the input screen appears below so you may see the many features and options this software contains. ![]() The Rosicrucian Fellowship Ephemeris Software Features
4 different zodiacs - tropical, sidereal, ayanamsa and custom ayanamsa. Generate midnight or noon ephemeris data, 1900 - 2100. Generate heliocentric or geocentric positions. Data output consists of longitude, declination, right ascension (in either zodiacal coordinates or in hours, minutes and seconds) and latitude. Generate true or mean Node positions for the Moon. Vary the number of days for which you want to generate data - or do a whole month at a time. Automatically save data to files on disk - or not - your choice. For the aspectarian, control whether Moon sign changes are automatically listed or not. For Windows. VARIOUS SCREEN CAPTURES OF PROGRAM OUTPUT
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